Spicy Bacon Jam

“Now, just hold it right there,” you’re thinking.  “Bacon jam?  Jam, like the sweet spread one puts on their morning toast and eats for breakfast?” Well, not exactly.  But pretty darn close.  This…condiment…as I’ll call it, is TOTALLY DELICIOUS.  And totally worthy of being eaten with a crusty piece of bread, on pork chops orContinue reading “Spicy Bacon Jam”

Happy Christmas!

Aren’t we the cutest?  From L to R: Truman, my lovely husband Scott, Fischer, me, and Jackie.  Photo courtesy of The Mullers. What you’re about to read is an obligatory holiday blog post.  I, like many others, spent the last two weeks prepping and cooking in anticipation of Christmas.  My goal is always to haveContinue reading “Happy Christmas!”

Pistachio and Cranberry Biscotti

A few things have happened in the last week.  First, a week ago today I turned 33-years-old.  I treated myself to a manicure and my lovely husband treated me to dinner at my favorite Indian restaurant in town.  Second, my fall semester finally ended last week and I have to say that I am pleasedContinue reading “Pistachio and Cranberry Biscotti”

Challah Bread

Things have been really busy around here since Thanksgiving.  I’m right in the middle of finals, so writing a final paper on The Picture of Dorian Gray is proving to be much more important than blogging about what silly things I’m trying in the kitchen. However, I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I decidedContinue reading “Challah Bread”