The Wine List: Thanksgiving Edition

I’m a list-maker.  Phew, I said it.  It’s out there.  I feel so much better now.  Yes, I make lists.  I come from a long line of list-makers.  My mother makes lists, my grandmother makes lists, my aunts make them…you get it.  Lists are in our blood.  Before I knew it, I was addicted toContinue reading “The Wine List: Thanksgiving Edition”

Roast Chicken (Again, Because Why Not?)

Guys, for the last five weeks I have been involved in a practicum experience as part of my degree; I have been working with a wonderful English teacher and her 8th graders every morning and Friday was my last day.  I absolutely loved my experience and the conclusion was bittersweet.  I was sad to sayContinue reading “Roast Chicken (Again, Because Why Not?)”