Return to Normal (Chocolate Salted Caramel Tart)

My last post was in August. August, people. I knew it would be hard for me to blog while I was student teaching, but I had no idea I’d all but abandon the blog during that time. It was next to impossible for me to find any time to cook for myself, let alone takeContinue reading “Return to Normal (Chocolate Salted Caramel Tart)”

Lemon Lace Cookies

So, I pretty much have the biggest crush on Food 52. Have you heard of this amazing site? If not, head over there right this instant and get cooking! It’s like all your best friends and their grandmothers got together in one spot and started exchanging recipes and culinary tips – it has everything, evenContinue reading “Lemon Lace Cookies”

Little French Fudge Cakes

I absolutely love (LOVE!) listening to The Splendid Table on NPR. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember and it is a staple in my podcast collection for long plane rides and road trips.  Lynne Rossetto Kasper and Sally Swift developed this recipe for their cookbook The Splendid Table’s How to EatContinue reading “Little French Fudge Cakes”

Chocolate Sea Salt Ice Cream

I’m of the opinion, “Why buy something when you can make it?”  There are so many items we eat on a semi-daily basis that can be made in our own kitchens – why are we throwing money away on stabilizers, preservatives, and any number of other icky chemicals that comprise our “food”?  Think of thatContinue reading “Chocolate Sea Salt Ice Cream”

Banana Cream Pie

For the longest time I had been craving a slice of banana cream pie.  I know I could have probably satisfied that craving by heading to the local Village Inn, but why do such a thing when baking my own would much that much more satisfying?  Cream pies are, in my opinion, overlooked in theContinue reading “Banana Cream Pie”

High-Contrast Cookies

Yesterday I spent roughly 5 hours babysitting a pot of bolognese slated for dinner that evening.  My friend Pat loves making fresh pasta (as do I) and when I said I was planning to make a bolognese, he offered to provide the pasta. I’m officially on break from school and loving it.  No papers toContinue reading “High-Contrast Cookies”

The Wine List: Thanksgiving Edition

I’m a list-maker.  Phew, I said it.  It’s out there.  I feel so much better now.  Yes, I make lists.  I come from a long line of list-makers.  My mother makes lists, my grandmother makes lists, my aunts make them…you get it.  Lists are in our blood.  Before I knew it, I was addicted toContinue reading “The Wine List: Thanksgiving Edition”

Vivan’s Texas Sheet Cake

I’ve never been a gambler.  Well, at least not a good one.  I rarely win anything, be it a stuffed toy at the county fair, or a pair of tickets via the local radio station.  This fact does not bode well for me since I have a group of friends that likes to meet occasionallyContinue reading “Vivan’s Texas Sheet Cake”

Braided Blueberry Cheese Danish

Last week I had the pleasure of spending some time in lovely Madison, Wisconsin.  My dear cousin lives there with his wife and three darling children, and it has been 13 years since I last visited.  It was due time, for sure.  We spent a lot of time at the house, but we also hadContinue reading “Braided Blueberry Cheese Danish”

Peach and Bourbon Bars

The farmers market is in full force here in Omaha and I absolutely could not pass up the opportunity to bring home a few lovely peaches.  As they sat on my counter, I thought about what I might do with them besides just slice and eat (which is perfectly fine).  I ran across a fewContinue reading “Peach and Bourbon Bars”